Kameha Grand Bonn rewrites success story: positioning and dynamic pricing as key factors
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Director Andreas Graeber-Stuch placed a strong emphasis on sustainable revenue management. The hotelier received support from the team at HotelPartner.
The challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic presented the hotel industry with immense difficulties. Nevertheless, under the leadership of Andreas Graeber-Stuch, Kameha Grand Bonn recognised the opportunities and strategically positioned itself for a promising future during the crisis. The reopening of the previously pandemic-induced closed hotel was a bold move to swiftly minimise losses. Andreas Graeber-Stuch took over the management of the hotel during this uncertain period, but his dedication and vision resulted in Kameha Grand Bonn not only surviving but thriving to this day.
However, the hotel team swiftly realised that past success would not suffice to ensure future viability. The hotel aimed to further enhance its strong position in the gastronomy sector and analyse future guest segments. This would ensure optimal occupancy not only on weekends but also during the week. Given the complex structure of Kameha Grand Bonn, it was clear that external expertise from an experienced partner was needed to guide the next phase of development. The hotel then sought a revenue service provider who could not only act flexibly but also preserve the unique personality of the hotel. The choice fell on the Swiss company HotelPartner Revenue Management, which, with its TET synergy – consisting of qualified teams (T), proven expertise (E), and the use of state-of-the-art technology (T) – successfully supported numerous hotels across Europe during the pandemic.
“The expertise of HotelPartner impressed us, but what also convinced us was the warmth and accessibility of all HotelPartner team members we had the pleasure of meeting so far,” stated Hotel Director Andreas Graeber-Stuch.
This mutual affinity was evident right from the onboarding process: an initial meeting on-site in Bonn laid the foundation for a successful collaboration and strengthened the personal relationship between the two partners. The success of their partnership, which began in August 2022, became apparent very quickly. Together, they were able to reinforce the outstanding positioning of Kameha Grand Bonn. The new dynamic pricing for suites and the distribution of business across various booking channels proved to be highly promising. According to Hotel Director Andreas Graeber-Stuch, the development of Room Type Performance also confirms that Kameha made the right move with HotelPartner. One of the most significant successes for the hotel’s new revenue management is the clear indication that the Bonn hotel market aligns with how Kameha operates on certain weekdays.
However, these successes are only possible when there is mutual understanding – and this is evident in the collaboration with Kameha Grand Bonn: “Since the beginning of our partnership, the Kameha Grand Bonn team has worked tirelessly towards our shared vision, and this energy has remained palpable in every step of our collaboration,” adds the responsible Chief Portfolio Manager Luca D’Achille with enthusiasm. “And that’s precisely what distinguishes this partnership from our two perspectives: the ability to motivate and inspire each other, discuss ideas together, and implement the most successful measures with calculated risk.”
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