Forward-thinking digitisation of the customer journey for the hospitality industry: Hotel IT company launched
Unisono Hospitality Management and HotelPartner Revenue Management from Switzerland aim to bridge the gap between digital solution providers and traditional hotel consultancy.
The newly founded Hotel DigIT Services AG or Hotel IT combines operational hotel experience with in-depth knowledge of the digital world. Accommodation providers will be actively supported in planning and implementing their digitalisation strategy along the customer journey.
Both companies – Unisono Hospitality Management and HotelPartner Revenue Management – have been established in the European hotel industry for several years and regularly receive enquiries on the subject of digitalisation. In the newly founded spin-off, independent experts with extensive operational hotel knowledge will now accompany industry colleagues on their way to planning, implementing or optimising the digital guest experience. Nils Betschart, Managing Partner of Unisono Hospitality Management and co-founder and delegate of the Board of Directors of Hotel DigIT Services AG, points out that conventional operating models need to be re-examined and the opportunities offered by digital transformation should be seized.
This is where he and his co-founder Oliver Meyer of HotelPartner Revenue Management see the main mission of the new company: “We want to relieve hoteliers of a highly complex topic and offer the best solution for their business. As hoteliers, we have always asked ourselves how we can optimise our business in a customer-focused way and at the same time benefit from the new digital opportunities. We just didn’t have the resources. We also lacked independent providers who understood both the systems and their interfaces as well as the operational processes of a business – without simply wanting to sell us their standard solution”.
“However, implementing such a digital transformation often proves to be complex. It also requires a lot of time and expertise on the part of the hotel team. As a provider of revenue management services and a service and reservation specialist, we know these challenges very well from our work with numerous hoteliers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland over the years,” adds Oliver Meyer, founder of HotelPartner Revenue Management and co-founder of Hotel DigIT Services AG.
Hinter der Hotel IT steht ein Team erfahrener Hoteliers und IT-Experten mit einer klaren Vision: Als unabhängige Experten die digitale Transformation von Beherbergungsbetrieben erfolgreich zu begleiten. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Schindellegi (Schweiz) füllt somit eine Lücke im Dienstleistungsangebot, indem es umfassende Branchenkenntnisse aus der Hotellerie mit dem Wissen von Systemlandschaften und deren Kompatibilität kombiniert.
Hotel IT is backed by a team of experienced hoteliers and IT experts with a clear vision: to successfully support the digital transformation of accommodation providers as independent experts. The company, based in Schindellegi, Switzerland, fills a gap in the service offering by combining extensive industry expertise in the hotel sector with knowledge of system landscapes and their compatibility.
“Our goal is to help accommodation providers fully utilise the opportunities of digitalisation and raise productivity to a new level,” adds Sascha Nemeth, Managing Director of Hotel IT. The focus is primarily on the customer journey itself, which is tailored to each operating model. Whether PMS, CRM, communication or performance tools – Hotel IT has an overview of all current providers and knows which systems “speak the same language”.
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Marketing Contact – HotelPartner AG
Alexander Fussi
Media Contact – Wolf.Communication & PR
Wolf Thomas Karl