“HotelPartner is my family, I always intended to stay” – two employees celebrate their 10-year anniversary
Having two 10 year anniversaries in our team is something we value highly. We are delighted to congratulate our Chief Implementation Manager Pascal Ploch and our Senior Technology Officer Jorge Teixeira this month. They told us in an interview how they started out at HotelPartner, what HotelPartner means to them and what the future holds for them.
You have been with HotelPartner for ten years. How did you find your way to HotelPartner?
PP: Brita Moosmann, Senior Officer Accounting, was my university lecturer at the time. One summer she came to me and said she had an exciting project: “It is called HotelPartner and it has a lot of potential,” she said. Then it really happened very quickly. After my interview with Oliver Meyer, founder and owner of HotelPartner, in Bern – that was in June 2013 – I quit my job a few days later and jumped in. I haven’t looked back since.
JT: I was looking for an internship during my apprenticeship. Through my family I met Oliver Meyer, who told me about HotelPartner. He hired me more or less straight away. That’s how it all started.
What has your career at HotelPartner been like?
PP: Well, I started in a position that no longer exists. I was a yield consultant. I then became Head of Yield Management and from there Chief Portfolio Manager Germany. I helped build the market in Germany before moving to my current role: Chief Implementation Manager. Together with my team of experts, I am responsible for the on-boarding of all new partners and the associated technical changes.
JT: I started as a trainee during my apprenticeship. Then I did my apprenticeship and then my technical college. After that I was promoted directly to Senior Technology Officer. That was about five years ago. I have been in this position ever since.
Did you think you would stay with HotelPartner for so long?

PP: No, I would never have thought that. But the time has gone by so quickly. As I said, I helped build the German business. HotelPartner is like my baby that I have watched grow over the last ten years. I believe in the product, we have a great case, our team is great and we are growing steadily. If I didn’t like it here, I would leave, but everything is just right for me.
JT: To be honest, it’s hard to say, but I think so. I am very loyal. And if it suits me, I stay. I had a great feeling with HotelPartner from the beginning, so I always planned to stay.
How would you describe the development of HotelPartner over the last years?
PP: Turbulent, but always positive. I have seen it all, from the bottom to the top. I am proud of what we have achieved over the years.
JT: So it was very chaotic in the beginning. You have to imagine that HotelPartner was what you would now call a start-up. Now we are a bigger company.
What is HotelPartner for you?
PP: In any case, family. HotelPartner is my baby. I felt like I was there from the beginning and I look back with great pride.
JT: In a way, it is still a family business that continues to grow. At HotelPartner, we are simply one big family.
What do you like best about HotelPartner?
PP: The cohesion of the team and the work in general, as well as the trust placed in you. I had a lot of freedom from the beginning, which always motivated me to go beyond myself.
JT: Without a doubt: the team. My team
What advice would you give to new team members?
PP: Seize the opportunity to get actively involved. We give everyone the chance.
JT: Keep your head up even in difficult situations, better times will come, don’t give up. At HotelPartner we can do anything. Together.
We have done a lot of looking back and reviewing the past. Let’s focus on the future for a moment. Where do you see HotelPartner in the future?

PP: To continue to be part of the family to take the company forward with a promising future.
JT: The way it is now. Maybe I’ll do some more training, but otherwise I see myself where I am now.
And where do you see HotelPartner in ten years’ time?
PP: As a globally sought-after and reliable partner for the hotel industry.
JT: It’s hard to say, ten years is a long time. Especially in times of AI and uncertainty, anything can happen. But whatever comes our way, I look forward to being part of HotelPartner’s development.
Thank you for this interview! We wish you every success for your future at HotelPartner and look forward to an interview on the occasion of our 20th anniversary.